The Buffalo Endodontic's Difference
Root canal treatment has a high success rate, but must be completed well to achieve this. You, yourself, or someone you know, may know may have had root canal treatment in the past, but sometime afterward needed further treatment to address a failing root canal, or even needed the tooth extracted. Additional treatment is costly both in terms of money and time. While no procedure has a 100% success rate, the more carefully your root canal is completed, the better your chance for success. Ideally, your root canal should be done once and last the rest of your life.
At Buffalo Endodontics, a premium feature is more appointment time that is dedicated to you than at the average practice. This additional time that is allocated for you allows for sufficient time to answer all of your questions, so you do not feel rushed or feel like just a number. This additional time also ensures quality and premium treatment that helps result in a favorable outcome for you.
Advanced technologies such as HD microscopes, CT imaging and digital x-rays allows for unparalleled access and detection of additional canals. Electric handpieces (drills) and ultrasonics have reduced or no noise to help reduce anxiety of those who fear dental drills. Finally, lasers are available to help disinfect and clean the canals, which is paramount for a successful outcome.
Dr. Patrick Battista is an expert in saving teeth, has the knowledge and experience with over 33 awards and honors. He taught for over 10 years at the University at Buffalo School of Dental Medicine, and received 5 teaching awards during this time, including 2 Educator of the Year awards. Dr. Battista was also Director of the Endodontic (Root Canal) Department. He will give you an honest evaluation and prognosis, and when treatment is rendered, it will be completed carefully and meticulously for the best result possible.
Call (716) 632-3636 and schedule an appointment to invest in yourself, and Save Your Tooth with the Buffalo Endodontics’ difference!