Gallery 1: Initial Cases

Initial Root Canal Cases with preoperative and postoperative radiographs.

#31 RCT

#5 RCT with 3 canals

#2 RCT with 4 canals

#19 RCT with 4 canals

#3 RCT with 4 canals

#14 RCT with extreme calcification & 4 canals

#2 RCT with 4 canals

#31 RCT with C-Shaped Canals

#18 RCT with lateral canal

#19 RCT with rare 3rd root

#18 RCT with Severe Curvatures

Gallery 2: Retreatment Cases

Retreatment Root Canal Cases with preoperative and postoperative radiographs.

#10 ReTx (original RCT poorly done)

#30 ReTx (original RCT had missed canal)

#14 ReTx (original RCT had missed 4th canal)

#30 ReTx (original RCT had missed canal)

#19 ReTx (original had missed canal)

Gallery 3: Surgical Cases

Surgical Root Canal Cases (Apicoectomy) with preoperative and postoperative radiographs.

#3 Sx MB Root

#13 Sx

#14 Resurgery MB & DB roots

#10 Sx

#9 Sx